New Life Tabernacle has been visible in the South Atlanta Community for the past forty years. Over 10 years ago we were given the opportunity to renovate an abandon warehouse into a beautiful sanctuary and this is where we are located to date. We are a spirit filled, spirit led church with a vibrant growing ministry

Bishop Joseph E. Hogan, Sr.
Bishop Hogan is a dynamic preacher and a prolific teacher in his own right. He birthed fifteen churches and mentored fourteen pastors along with two state supervisors. He served over 15 years as Superintendent of the New Life Fellowship District. Bishop Hogan served as an administrative assistant for the late Bishop J.D. Husband Jurisdictional Prelate and General Board Member, and the late Bishop C.D. Owens Jurisdictional Prelate, General Board Member and former Presiding Bishop of the Church Of God In Christ Inc. He served in National Leadership as, the national finance committee captain, the committee of standards and extensions, assistant secretary of the national program committee, and executed changes in the national program structure. He is currently the Jurisdictional Prelate of North Central Georgia Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church Of God In Christ.